Legacy Stories

These template-based books are crafted to tell a poignant life story with photos or documents to illustrate them.


Frieda’s Journey

After losing two brothers in WWI, facing the depressed German economy and a shortage of men available for marriage, Frieda Hansen emigrated to America in 1928 and ran a boarding house in Washington on Capitol Hill.

40 pages, 24 photos, 7”x7” hardcover



Edmund Casper, MD

Born into a large family of Lebanese immigrants, Edmund Casper was drafted into the Army after medical school. In Vietnam he served as head of psychiatry. His experiences led him to become a forensic psychiatrist and to collaborate on the designation of PTSD as a diagnosis.

80 pages, 38 photos, 7”x7” hardcover

Custom Stories

Retelling can help you capture your story between the covers of a hardback book or in audio format. Or both.


A Legacy of Love

For his life story, dedicated to the great-grandchildren who are yet to be, Wes Perry wanted a journal-sized book with an elegant linen cover, lots of family photos, and blank journal pages with a dot grid.

226 pages, linen hardcover with foil stamp.

Two views of book: the spine and the front of "A Legacy of Love"

High Mark 11

A Young Pilot's Adventures in World War II Europe

Using transcripts of Ralph's stories, interviews, photographs, and illustrations of planes flown by Jenks, Retelling vividly captured Ralph Jenks’ airborne adventures. His grandkids were spellbound when they received their copies for Christmas.

106 pages, 82 photos, cloth-wrapped hardcover with gold embossed lettering


The Audio Memoir

Retelling can take signature stories from client interviews, lightly edit them for audio quality, and preserve the audio as a companion product to a life story book. Or the desired end product may be the preservation of the oral history, in the client’s voice.

Audio projects are preserved on a flash drive that is packaged in an embossed box suitable for bookcase display.


Coffee Table Books

Some stories are so rich in story, photographs, and design elements that they lend themselves to a coffee table book, to be kept where family and friends can enjoy it at their leisure.


Raising My Family Around the World

The Adventures of a CIA Wife and Mom in Stories, Snapshots & Letters by Linell Joyce

Linell Joyce chronicled the rich experiences of her family life on assignment with her husband in Austria, Jordan, Ivory Coast, Thailand, Cyprus, and England. Her beautiful book contains more than 200 family snapshots, as well as excerpts from a correspondence with her grandmother that helped combat loneliness and tied Linell to life in the USA. Read an excerpt.

213 pages, 8.25" x 10.75" hardcover with dust jacket


A Long Row Through Life

Over waters calm and occasionally turbulent by James H. Arthur, M.D.

Dr. James Arthur’s articulate story telling extends from a Scots-Irish ancestor who sued General George Washington over a land dispute (and lost) through his own life story. His Culver Military Academy rowing team of 1943 is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-surviving intact eight-oared rowing crew with an average age of 70 in the 1994 US Masters National Championships. His teammates all entered World War II after graduation from Culver Academy, survived the war, and got into a boat at their 50th high school reunion to see if they could still do it. They could, and began racing.

210 pages, 8.25” x 10.75” hardcover book. 182 photographs, a family tree, a list of favorite books, and a snippet of a favorite adapted Glee Club song

Stories for the Marketplace

You have a story that you want to market to a larger audience.


Take a Larger Way

Reflections of a Dementia Caregiver by Jay Brenneman

Jay journaled as Frontotemporal Dementia stole his wife, Janene, from him. With time, he learned to embrace a full life in the midst of suffering, just as Janene in one of her last spoken phrases had summoned him, to “Take a larger way.” His honest, raw, and searching reflections, shared in small but articulate and insightful portions, are imbued with a sliver of hope and provide authentic comfort to caregivers.

212 pages, hardcover with dustjacket. Available in softcover and ebook at Amazon.


The Pioneer and the Innkeeper

Adventures in Uncertainty and Faith around the World by Dr. Calvin & Mimi Wilson

Dr. Cal Wilson was inspired by stories of pioneer missionary doctors. His wife Mimi, having watched her mother welcome anyone who passed through their remote home in Democratic Republic of Congo, inherited a passion for serving up a warm meal and good conversation. Together they lived in Africa, South America, the Middle East, and the Navajo reservation, seeking to serve the not-yet-served and to equip them to be able to serve themselves and others.

476 pages. Original printing, a hardcover gift edition. Softcover and ebook available at Amazon.


Cowboy Troubadour

Poems & Stories

A collection of poems and stories preserving the unique voice of Richard McQueary, a one-time deputy district attorney and judge, but always, to the core, a cowboy. Although Richard has been telling his tales for years, it took his wife Jane and Retelling to get it in book format complete with family photos and custom illustrations. Read an excerpt.

154 pages, paperback


All In

The True Story of a Physician Living on the Edge by John Charles Hill, DO

In all areas of his life Dr. John Hill lives All In: as an extreme athlete, discoverer of revolutionary medical techniques, and a renowned physician. He is a committed husband, father, and grandfather. And he is familiar with spiritual experiences in the operating room and on mountainsides. All In captures John Hill’s story at the intersection of an avalanche on the mountain he is climbing in Nepal and his infant grandson’s struggle to survive.

380 pages, 45 photographs and two custom-drawn maps. Available in softcover and ebook. Marketing web page designed by Maria Altyeva.


Widows Gone Wild

Our Journey from Loss to Resilience by Sunny Wells

Grappling with the grief of her husband’s death at 55, Sunny attends a support group for younger bereaved spouses. This kindred circle of friends gradually grew from fragile widows to women of resilience. Sunny shares the story of how she and her friends, each at their own rate, overcame their grief and cultivated lifelong friendships. She shares wisdom from the Widows Gone Wild for the bereaved and those who help them.

160 pages. Available in softcover and ebook. Marketing web page designed by Maria Altyeva.


Business & Organization Stories

Retelling is experienced in pulling together the many strands of a layered history to tell the story of a multi-generation family business or organization. 


Lagerborg & Associates

Empowering Community, Editions 1 and 2

Some books are created for a select, small audience as a tribute to common goals, values, and accomplishments, with a sprinkling of inside jokes and corporate fun. Edition one of this book traced the story of a committed, passionate team from their struggling start-up to their thriving 20th anniversary. Only a few years after publication the company printed edition two, adding “chapter two” to commemorate their continued growth and succession plan.


The Babson Family Story

Henry Babson left high school in Nebraska to attend the World’s Fair in Chicago in 1893, where he met Thomas Edison. Henry expressed keen interest in the phonograph. Edison suggested that if he was so interested, why didn’t he sell them. Babson said he would. Edison said the first shipment would go to China. “That’s fine,” said Henry, and he went. Henry Babson created a family business that diversified and endured to thrive through its current fourth generation of family leadership. The current president and CEO commissioned this story to capture for rising generations the personality and values of those who came before. In short, to appreciate what will be theirs.

A richly crafted cloth and leather hardcover book of 90 pages with 83 photographs, a family tree, and a pocket holding a CD of stories told by two generations of family members.


Perennial Wealth

A Guide for Cultivating the Family Enterprise by Daniel R. Lagerborg with Taylor Kirkpatrick and Jay Brenneman

A tenured wealth manager, the president and CEO of a thriving fourth-generation family business, and a 30-year counselor and advisor to family businesses team up to share stories of families who have transferred wealth and leadership well — a phenomenon that is tragically rare. What are secrets for success in a perennially thriving family enterprise? Here’s a hint: it’s not about the money.

104 pages, including diagrams and custom-drawn cartoons. Beautiful hardcover edition with full color end sheets and vibrant color garden chapter openers for clients. Also available as black ink softcover edition and ebook for the marketplace.